“It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up.”

Vince Lombardi

School Athletics

John Paul II Academy is a proud participant in the South Shore Parochial League. We sponsor the following sports teams for scholars in 5th – 8th grades.

Fall Sports
Cross Country (boys and girls)
Volleyball (girls)

Winter Sports
Basketball (boys and girls)
Cheerleading (girls)

Spring Sports
Track and Field (boys and girls)

For additional information see the SSPL website.

*South Shore Parochial League (SSPL) Formerly known as RPAL

Athletic Forms include:

  • Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents/Guardians

  • Concussions Fact Sheet for Students

  • Archdiocese Concussion Acknowledgement Form

  • Archdiocese Consent Form

  • Archdiocese Sportsmanship Pledge for Parents/Guardians

  • Archdiocese Sportsmanship Pledge for Athletes

  • Archdiocese Physical Form (for Doctor)

  • Archdiocese Medical Information and Emergency Consent Form
